Wednesday, January 21, 2009

And So It Begins!

It's the day after, and everyone appears to still be reveling in the afterglow of the historical inauguration of the first African-American president. For all who witnessed this event, I'm sure its impressions will last for a long time. The pagentry, the symbolism, the significance, the sense of unity are all worthy of note, and to the extent that President Barak Obama was the reason for it, he is to be commended.

But now for the reality check. All of the fanfare is over, all of the parades past and the music has stopped playing. And what does President Barak Obama do? He makes known his plan to honor the 36th anniversary of Roe v. Wade by reversing the ban on the use of federal dollars by non-governmental organizations around the globe that discuss or provide abortions. (

In other words, President Obama is committing our money to the destruction of innocent life around the world. Boy, isn't it interesting that so many people were up-in-arms over President Bush's use of our money to "destroy innocent lives" in his wars. I wonder if people will be just as outraged about President's Obama's use of our money to destroy innocent life in the war against unborn babies? Ah, probably not! Yea, I know he isn't directly killing innocent unborn babies, but does anyone believe that he doesn't know that these dollars will be used for abortions?

And so it has begun. The agenda is unfolding. God only knows what will be next.